Alexander S. |
Space Time and Deity. 1920 |
S.T.D. |
Alexander S. |
Spinoza and Time. 1921 |
Sp.T. |
Bergson H. |
Matter and Memory (Eng. Tr.). 1911 |
M.M. |
Bergson H. |
Creative Evolution (E. Tr.). 1911 |
C.E. |
Bergson H. |
Introduction to Metaphysics (E. Tr.). 1913 |
I.M. |
Bergson H. |
Mind Energy (E. Tr.). 1920 |
M.E. |
Berkeley G. |
Principles of Human Knowledge. 1710. (2nd Ed. 1734) |
P.H.K. |
Broad C. D. |
Perception Physics and Reality. 1914 |
P.P.R. |
Caird E. |
Critical Philosophy of Kant. 1889. (2nd Ed. 1909) |
C.P.K. |
Carr H. W. |
Philosophy of Change. 1914 |
P.C. |
Clifford W. K. |
Lectures and Essays. 1879 |
L.E. |
Dewey J. |
How we Think. 1909 |
H.T. |
Einstein A. |
Relativity: the Special and the General Theory (E. Tr.). 1920 |
T.R. |
Haldane Lord |
Reign of Relativity. 1921 |
R.R. |
Hamilton SIR WM. |
Lectures on Metaphysics. 1859 |
L.M. |
Hume D. |
Treatise on Human Nature. 1739 |
T.H.N. |
Huxley T. H. |
Essays (in nine volumes). 1893–4 |
H.E. |
James W. |
Meaning of Truth. 1909 |
M.T. |
Laird J. |
Study in Realism. 1920 |
S.R. |
Lewes G. H. |
Problems of Life and Mind. 1875 |
P.L.M. |
Locke J. |
Essay concerning Human Understanding. 1690 |
E.H.U. |
Mach E. |
Popular Scientific Lectures (E. Tr.). 1893 |
P.S.L. |
Mill J. S. |
System of Logic. 1843 |
S.L. |
Poincaré H. |
Science and Hypothesis (E. Tr.). 1905 |
S.R. |
Russel B. |
Principles of Mathematics. 1903 |
P.M. |
Russel B. |
Philosophical Essays. 1910 |
P.E. |
Russel B. |
Analysis of Mind. 1921 |
A.M. |
Russel B. |
Philosophy of Leibniz. 1900 |
P.L. |
Russel B. |
Mysticism and Logic. 1918 |
M.L. |
Sellars R. W. |
Evolutionary Naturalism. 1922 |
E.N. |
Sherrington Sir CH. |
Integrative Action of the Nervous System. 1906 |
I.N.S. |
Shinn M. |
Biography of a Baby. 1900 |
B.B. |
Spinoza B. |
Ethics (Elwes Tr. 1884) |
Eth. |
Stout G. F. |
Manual of Psychology. 3rd Ed. 1913 |
M. |
Whitehead A. N. |
Concept of Nature. 1920 |
C.N. |
Wundt W. |
Introduction to Psychology (E. Tr.). 1912 |
I.P. |
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society |
P.A.S. |
Works Quoted with Reference Letters
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