
Science et religion dans la philosophie contemporaine

  • Emile Boutroux
1903 to 1905
University of Glasgow

Science and Religion in Contemporary Philosophy is among the few works of the French spiritualist Émile Boutroux available in an English translation. The volume explores the interchange between science and religion in what at the turn of the previous century was modern philosophy. Having dialogued with Comte, Spencer, Haeckel, Ritschl, and James, Boutroux argues in his conclusion that science and religion are indispensable facets of existence which perform different roles by describing distinct aspects of reality.

The Sciences and Philosophy

  • John Scott Haldane
1926 to 1928
University of Glasgow

In The Sciences and Philosophy Haldane discusses in 20 lectures the relation between the sciences and philosophy. The first part of the book, “The Sciences”, gives an account to the axioms or general conceptions of different parts of knowledge or science. In the second part “Philosophy” the different and apparently contradictory conceptions of the sciences and religion are discussed, focusing on their relations to each other.

The Heritage of Idealism

  • John Alexander Smith
1929 to 1931
University of Glasgow

John Alexander Smith’s two courses of Gifford Lectures (1929–1930 and 1931) were never published. An outline (see Summary) from the Glasgow University archives is all that is available.

The Road of Science and the Ways to God

  • Stanley L. Jaki
1974 to 1976
University of Edinburgh

The lectures seek to demonstrate by historical and epistemological analysis the necessary dependence of the rise of science in the West, and its continuation in the whole world, upon the cultural and metaphysical matrix provided by the Judeo-Christian worldview. The key and unique features of that worldview required for science to be born and mature include conviction of the world’s rationality, intelligibility and contingency, summarized by the Thomistic proofs for the existence of God.

Models, Mind and Man

  • Anthony J. Sanford
University of Glasgow

Sanford’s brief 1982–1983 Gifford Lectures consisted of five lectures that explored the nature of cognition with respect to language, common sense and value. His work is based on the premise that natural theology must take into consideration not only the external natural world but also the symbolic world of concepts, language and cognition.

Behind the Eye

  • Donald MacCrimmon MacKay
University of Glasgow

In his 1986 course of Glasgow Gifford Lectures, posthumously published as Behind the Eye, Donald MacCrimmon MacKay surveys key trends in brain science and information theory and discusses their influence upon the topics of identity, theism and causality. Though science and technology have revealed a great deal about the inner workings of the human mind, MacKay argues that increased scientific knowledge need not bring about the end of theism’s intellectual credibility.

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