
The Interpretation of Religious Experience, vol. 2

  • John Watson
1910 to 1912
University of Glasgow

In the second part entitled Constructive Watson gives such an interpretation of religious ideas as may seem to be required by the greater complexity and comprehensiveness of modern thought. Watson attends to the evolution of ideas, concentrating on suggestive ideas in Hegel and his English exponents, though refusing to accept some of the doctrines presented as Hegelian in the works of certain exponents and critics in England and Germany.

The Interpretation of Religious Experience, vol. 1

  • John Watson
1910 to 1912
University of Glasgow

The Interpretation of Religious Experience is divided into two parts, published in separate volumes. In the first part entitled Historical Watson reflects critically upon religion and especially upon Christianity, discussing theological and philosophical writers. An enquiry into the origin and development of Christianity is conducted, devoting particular attention both to the systematic formulation of religious experience in theology and also to the influence of philosophy on theology.

The Worship of Nature

  • James George Frazer
1923 to 1925
University of Edinburgh

James George Frazer approached his Gifford Lectures from the perspective of an anthropologist. He focused on rituals involving Sky-, Earth- and Sun-worship in ancient and contemporary ‘civilizations’. His favourite ancient examples are based on classical texts from Vedic, Babylonian, Greek and Roman scholars. Frazer’s contemporary examples, however, are drawn largely from accounts given by missionaries travelling across ‘uncivilized’ Africa and isolated parts of India during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, recounting the rituals of local ‘tribes’ they met. Basing his theories on classical and missionary accounts combined, Frazer explains how it is that various religious communities throughout time and space have deified the Sky, Earth and Sun. The ubiquity of such nature-worship throughout human history leads him to conclude that all societies, at some point in time, attempt to explain the world around them by ascribing meaning and personality to natural phenomena. Frazer notes that, in this regard, the ‘civilized’ ancient Greeks and Romans are no different from the ‘uncivilised’ Bantu ‘savages’ living across Africa. This proves, he says, that Europeans and their ancestors are not as different from the ‘savages’ as his early twentieth-century audience might have been apt to think. As an anthropologist, Frazer was one of the first Gifford Lecturers to use the series as a space in which to describe and compare various religious ‘gods’ as opposed to engaging in a theological discourse about the ultimate nature and meaning of any one particular ‘God’.

Theism and Cosmology

  • John Laird
1938 to 1939
University of Glasgow

‘Theism and Cosmology’ is the first course of Gifford Lectures offered by John Laird, the second being his 1939–1940 ‘Mind and Deity’. In his 1938–1939 course, Laird explores the general subject of metaphysics and theism, with a particular interest in the relationship between the Divine and the created order.

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