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Richard Kroner

Professor of Philosophy, University of Kiel
1884 to 1974

Richard Kroner was born in 1884. Not much is known about his childhood, and he is most prominently known as German neo-Hegelian Philosopher who authored Von Kant bis Hegel (1921/4), a classic history of German idealism written from then neo-Hegelian point of view. He is also known for his formulation of Hegel as ‘the Protestant Aquinas’.

In regards to his personal beliefs, he was a Christian with a Jewish background. His Jewish ancestry led him to be ‘suspended’ (dismissed) under Nazi legislation in 1934, from his university position at Kiel. He was briefly replaced by Hans-Georg Gadamer, a personal friend.

As for his philosophical influence, Kroner’s ideas on Hegel, including his slant via Kierkegaard, were taken up by some existentialists thinkers, including Lev Shestov and Nikolai Berdyaev.

He died in 1974.

Other works by Kroner include Zweck und Gesetz in der Biologie. Eine logische Untersuchung (1913); Kants Weltanschauung (1914); Hegel.Zum 100. Todestag (1932); Die Selbstverwirklichung des Geistes. Prolegomena zur Kulturphilosopie (1928); Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy (1957); Selbstbesinnung. Drei Lehrstunden (1958); Speculation and Revelation in Modern Philosophy (1961); Between Faith and Thought: Reflections and Suggestions (1966); and Freiheit und Gnade (1969).

  • Kelly Van Andel, University of Glasgow