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Appendix 7.

Appendix 7.
Number of verses in the Rig-veda.

The total number of verses is given as 10402 in the Khandah-sankhyâ an appendix to one of the Anukramanîs viz. the Khandonukramanî. This number seemed formerly not to agree with the total of the different classes of verses given in the same place. But with some corrections of the text and with the help of better MSS. the two are now found to agree. There are—

1. Gâyatrî-verses 2451
2. Ushnih-verses 341
3. Anushtubh-verses 855
4. Brihatî-verses 181
5. Pankti-verses 312
6. Trishtubh-verses 4253
7. Gagatî-verses 1348
8. Atigagatî-verses 17
9. Sakvarî-verses 19
10. Atisakvarî-verses 9
11. Ashti-verses 6
12. Atyashti-verses 84
13. Dhriti-verses 2
14. Atidhriti-verse 1
15. Ekapadâ-verses 6
16. Dvipadâ-verses 17
17. Pragâtha Bârhata-verses 388
18. Pragâtha Kâkubha-verses 110
19. Mahâbârhata-verses 2

According to the Anuvâkânukramanî vv. 32–35 the number of Anuvâkas in the ten Mandalas and the number of hymns is as follows:—
Mandala Anuvâkas Sûktas
I 24 191
II 4 43
III 5 62
IV 5 58
V 6 87
VI 6 75
VII 6 104
VIII 10 92 + 11
IX 7 114
X 12 191

85 1017 + 11 = 1028
According to v. 36 the Bhâshkala recension contained eight additional hymns that is 1017 + 8 = 1025. It is curious that the Aitareya-brâhmana (VI. 24) speaks of eight Vâlakhilya hymns. This however does not prove that there were not more than these eight which were required for certain sacrifices still less that these eight were the same as the eight additional hymns of the Bâshkalas.
Saunaka knows the division into Mandalas Anuvâkas hymns and verses but he does not in his genuine works seem to have been acquainted with the division of the Rig-veda into eight Ashtakas and sixty-four Adhyâyas each Adhyâya being subdivided into Vargas. In the Prâtisâkhya (S. 848–860) the term adhyâya occurs but it there means the daily lesson of the pupil consisting of sixty prasnas or questions each question containing on an average three verses. The verses 38 to 45 in the Anuvâkânukramanî are therefore probably not Saunaka's and they had been suspected for different reasons by Meyer in his Rigvidhâna p. xxvii. They give the following list of Vargas:—
VargasVargas Containing verses. Total of verses.Total of verses.
1 (1) 1 1
2 (2) 2 4
97 (93) 3 291 (279)
174 (176) 4 696 (704)
1207 (1228) 5 6035 (6140)
346 (357) 6 2076 (2142)
119 (129) 7 833 (903)
59 (55) 8 472 (440)
1 (1) 9 9

2006 (2042) 10417 (10622)
Immediately afterwards (v. 43) the total number of verses is given as 10580 and one pâda (Rv. X. 20 1); the number of half-verses as 21232 and one pâda (therefore 10614 verses and one pâda); the number of words as 153826; the number of karkâs as 110704; the number of syllables as 432000.
The Karanavyûha gives a list of Vargas and verses differing from that of the Anuvâkânukramanî. The numbers have been added in brackets. See on all this Dr. Macdonell's careful edition of the Sarvânukramanî in the Anecdota Oxoniensia.
The Rig-veda-prâtisâkhya presupposes the Pada-text and teaches the changes which the padas or words undergo when joined together in the Samhitâ-text. But its author knows the far more artificial Krama-text also which presupposes both the Pada and Samhitâ-texts (Sûtra 590 seq.). This Kramapâtha must have been practised considerably in the Parishads and have given rise to many different opinions which are discussed in the Krama-hetu-patala. Thus Bâbhravya a teacher of the Krama declares (S. 676) that the doctrine of the Krama is good as taught at first not as taught differently by different teachers. But others attacked it as useless and as not based on Sruti or sacred authority and the author of the Prâtisâkhya has therefore to defend it against various attacks and to show that it can claim the highest authority. On these various modifications of the text of the hymns the three Prakritis and the eight Vikritis there is a treatise by Madhusûdana Ashtavikriti-vivriti edited by Satyavrata Sâmasrami in the Ushâ vol. i. The original is ascribed to Vyâdi.

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