Lecturers & Authors

Stewart Sutherland

Lord Sutherland of Houndwood

Stewart Sutherland taught philosophy in Bangor, Wales, Stirling, and King's College London, where he held the Chair of the History and Philosophy of Religion.

He was subsequently Principal of King’s College, London, Vice Chancellor of the University of London, and Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh.

He is a fellow of the British Academy and Past-President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Richard Granville Swinburne

Professor of Philosophy, University of Keele

Richard Granville Swinburne was born on 26 December 1934 at Smethick, Staffordshire. After school at Charterhouse, he did his compulsory national service in the Navy, becoming a Russian interpreter. He went up to Oxford as an undergraduate in 1954, reading for a B.A. in philosophy, politics and economics. After getting first class honours, he read for the B.Phil. in philosophy, which he obtained in 1959.

Kathryn Tanner

Frederick Marquand Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale Divinity School

Kathryn Tanner, Marquand Professor of Systematic Theology, joined the Yale Divinity School faculty in 2010 after teaching at the University of Chicago Divinity School for 16 years and in Yale’s Department of Religious Studies for ten. Her research relates the history of Christian thought to contemporary issues of theological concern using social, cultural, and feminist theory.

Alfred Edward Taylor

Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Edinburgh
1869 to 1945

Alfred Edward Taylor, philosopher, was born at Oundle on 22 December 1869, to the Reverend Alfred Taylor, a Wesleyan minister, and Caroline Esther Fax. He was educated at Kingswood School, Bath, and at New College, Oxford, of which he was elected a scholar and, in 1931, an honorary fellow. He obtained literae humaniores in 1891.

Charles Margrave Taylor

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Charles Margrave Taylor, born in Montreal, Quebec, on 5 November 1931, received his BA in history from McGill University (1952), a BA in philosophy, politics and economics (1955), an MA (1960) and a DPhil (1961), under the supervision of Isiah Berlin and G.E.M. Ansombe. His dissertation, published in 1964 as The Explanation of Behavior, offers a critique of psychological behaviorism.

William Temple

Archbishop of Canterbury; Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford
1881 to 1944

William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, was born 15 October 1881 at the bishop's palace, Exeter. The youngest child of Frederick Temple, archbishop of Canterbury, and his wife, Beatrice Blanche, daughter of William Lascelles (himself son of the second Earl of Harewood), William was born when Frederick was nearly sixty.

John Arthur Thomson

Regius Professor of Natural History, University of Aberdeen
1861 to 1933

John Arthur Thomson was born 1861 in Salton near Edinburgh, Scotland, and although he remained in the area most of his life, his scientific interests ranged widely, spatially and temporally. He was foremost a Scottish naturalist, with an interest in its animals, plants, chemistry and geology. With Scotland having one of Europe’s finest marine habitats with rocky reefs covered in soft corals, perhaps it is understandable that Thomson became an expert in Alcyonacea, stinging anemones and jellyfish, commonly called soft corals.

William Homan Thorpe

Professor Emeritus of Animal Ethology, Cambridge University
1902 to 1986

William Homan Thorpe was born 1 April 1902 in Hastings. His father was an accountant actively involved in a local nonconformist church. Thorpe went to university late, entering Jesus College, Cambridge in 1921. He graduated in agriculture, and then took a PhD in entomology (awarded in 1929). After a few years working on parasites at a laboratory in Surrey, he returned to teach in Cambridge, again at Jesus College, and remained there for the rest of his career. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1951 and awarded a personal chair in 1966.

Cornelius Petrus Tiele

Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, University of Leiden
1830 to 1902

Born near Leiden on 16 December 1830, Cornelius Petrus Tiele received his education in Amsterdam. Intent on entering the ministry, he trained in the seminary of the Remonstrant Brotherhood and, after ordination, served the Dutch Remonstrant Church in several congregations, including Moordrecht and latterly Rotterdam. When the Remonstrant seminary relocated from Amsterdam to Leiden in 1873, Tiele was appointed professor. Four years later, in 1877, the University of Leiden specially created a chair of History of Religions for Tiele and offered him a professorship in theology.

Paul Tillich

Professor of Philosophical Theology, Union Theological Seminary, New York
1866 to 1965

Paul Tillich was born 20 August 1886 in Starzeddel, then a province of Brandenberg Germany (now part of Poland). His family moved to Berlin in 1900 when his father was called to a position as a Lutheran pastor. After graduating from the Friedrich Wilhelm Gymnasium in 1904 Tillich attended the universities of Berlin Tübingen and Breslau. He graduated in 1911 from the University of Breslau with a doctoral degree in philosophy.

Stephen Toulmin

Luce Professor, Center for Multiethnic & Transnational Studies, University of Southern California
1922 to 2009

Stephen Edelston Toulmin was born 25 March 1922 in London. He earned his BA in mathematics and physics from King’s College. During World War II, he served as an officer for the Ministry of Aircraft Production. In 1948 Professor Toulmin earned his PhD in ethics from Cambridge University.

Arnold Joseph Toynbee

Research Professor of International History, University of London
1889 to 1975

The British historian Arnold Joseph Toynbee was born in London on 14 April 1889 and died on 22 October 1975 in York, North Yorkshire, England. He was educated at Winchester College and Balliol College, Oxford. He was the nephew of economic historian Arnold Toynbee, with whom he is sometimes confused. His first marriage to Rosalind Murray, with whom he had three sons, ended in divorce in 1946. Professor Toynbee then married Veronica M. Boulter, his research assistant.

David Tracy

Professor of Catholic Studies, Professor of Theology & Philosophy of Religion, University of Chicago

David Tracy was born in 1939 in Yonkers, New York. A noted Roman Catholic teacher, scholar, priest and theologian, he received his licentiate (1964) and doctorate (1969) at Gregorian University in Rome. From 1967 to 1969 Tracy taught at Catholic University of America, his first teaching assignment. He then moved to the University of Chicago Divinity School, where he was named Distinguished Service Professor in 1985 and Distinguished Service Professor of Roman Catholic Studies in 1987.

Edward Burnett Tylor

Keeper of the University Museum and Reader in Anthropology, Oxford
1832 to 1917

Edward Burnett Tylor was born 2 October 1832 to Harriet Skipper and Joseph Tylor, the owner of a brass foundry in their home town of Camberwell in Surrey. Both parents belonged to the Society of Friends and elected to have their son educated at Grove House, a Quaker school in Tottenham. When they reached the age of sixteen, both Edward and his brother, the geologist Alfred Tylor, were denied entrance to a university on account of their faith. Instead, Edward became a clerk in his family’s business, a job he kept for seven years.

Wentzel van Huyssteen

Professor of Theology and Science Princeton Theological Seminary

J. Wentzel van Huyssteen emigrated from South Africa to the United States on 1 January 1992 to become Princeton Theological Seminary’s first James I. McCord Professor of Theology and Science. He has research degrees in philosophy (MA, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) and philosophical theology (PhD, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and has specialized in philosophy of science and religious epistemology.

Peter van Inwagen

John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Philosophy Universtiy of Notre Dame

Peter van Inwagen (b. 1942) is the John Cardinal O’Hara Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. Previously he taught at the University of Syracuse. He received his B.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1965 and his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Rochester in 1969 under Richard Taylor. Professor van Inwagen’s publications have focused on metaphysics ethics and philosophical theology.

Gianni Vattimo

Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Turin

Gianni Vattimo is an Italian philosopher and university professor who served in the European Parliament. He has been a leading member both of the 1960s turn in continental philosophy to a relativistic view of religion, art, and sexual freedom and the espousal of postmodern secularism and anticapitalism.

Robert M. Veatch

Professor of Medical Ethics, Georgetown University

Robert M. Veatch is a leading medical ethicist in the United States often serving as an advisor to professional medical associations legislators and research organizations. He is currently professor of medical ethics at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and is former director of the university’s Kennedy Institute of Ethics. He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Georgetown Medical Center.

Gregory Vlastos

Stuart Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Princeton University
1907 to 1991

Gregory Vlastos was born on 27 July 1907 in Istanbul. He studied philosophy at Robert College in Istanbul before earning his PhD from Harvard in 1931. He taught for a number of years at Queen’s University in Ontario before moving to a post at Cornell University in 1948. He spent some time around 1938 as a visiting scholar at Cambridge, where he met Professor Cornford, which his introduction to Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher mentions as a pivotal moment in the development of his thought and career.

Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker

Professor of Philosophy, University of Hamburg
1912 to 2007

Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Weizsäcker German physicist and philosopher was born 28 June 1912 in Kiel Germany first of two sons of Ernst Freiherr von Weizsäcker and Marianne von Weizsäcker. His father a German diplomat and state secretary in the Foreign Office during World War II died in 1951. His brother Richard Freiherr von Weizsäcker was president of the Federal Republic of Germany (1984–1994).
