The School of Divinity, University of St Andrews is pleased to announce the appointment of Euan Grant to the post-doctoral Gifford Fellowship. The Gifford Fellowship, funded alongside the Gifford Lectures from the bequest of Adam Lord Gifford (1820–1887), exists to "promote and diffuse the study of natural theology in the widest sense of the term—in other words, the knowledge of God." It is awarded every two years to an outstanding emerging scholar working in a relevant area of theology or philosophy, and hosted alternately by the School of Divinity and the Department of Philosophy.
Grant's research interests are in theological anthropology, particularly the question of human finitude, fallenness, and original sin. Posing questions of the plausibility and conceivability of a historical fall within the natural history revealed by the sciences led to a re-evaluation of the highly sophisticated theological treatments of human beings as embodied intellectual creatures in the mediaeval scholastic literature. As Gifford Fellow, he is exploring the possibility of re-integrating these mediaeval structures of thought with the Darwinian paradigm of evolutionary biology.